River Village Plaza


This alphabetical listing of Tenants will also link to their websites as well as a locator map showing the building the suite is located in.

Click on business name for website (if available)


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905 Allstate Insurance 760-749-6671
301 Amerprise 760-330-9477
901 AP Design 760-688-8159
101 / 102 Avo Aestetics Med Spa 760-758-0310
204 Blue Ridge Enteprises, LLC 760-655-8414
311 Bonsall Chamber of Commerce 760-630-1933
1004 Bonsall Dry Cleaners 760-732-3430
841 / 841A Bonsall Fine Wine & Spirits 760-945-4427
703 Bonsall Postal & Imaging 760-941-9221
831 Brain Freeze Frozen Yogurt 760-395-8335
310 Coldwell Banker Village Properties 760-728-8000
701 Daniels Market 760-732-1135
807 Edward Jones Investments 760-941-2866
124 Elizabeth C. McCoy / Attorney at Law 760-458-3213
134 Essex Realty Management 760-295-9977
1101 Family Dentistry 760-630-5500
601 Fresco Grill & Bar 760-631-1944
704 Honey Boutique 619-507-7508
500 Jack In The Box 760-945-0472
103 / 104 James Grimard & Assoc. CPA's 760-945-0777
706 La Sala (community meeting room) 760-631-1030
302 Law Office of Robert Mintz 760-758-4748
1210 Levering & Hvasta, CPA's 760-728-8393
307 Management De Novo 760-724-2001
1005 Merrill Lynch Wealth Management 619-699-3801
903 Moffat Financial Group 760-731-0489
210 nGAP Inc. 760-477-8700
805 ./806 / 820 North County Academy of Dance 760-703-4958
905 North County Investments 760-630-6585
1001 Pacific Western Bank 760-639-2000
303 Peking Wok 760-724-8078
306 PJA Insurance Services 951-436-3100
205 R. Greene & Associates, Inc. 760-726-4316
901 Rigel Payments 805-813-5135
110 River Village Property Management 760-631-1030
405 RV Cinema is D'Place 760-536-3990
707 Sage Yoga Studios 760-468-9235
1006 Sprint Funding 760-415-1452
404 Summa Architecture 760-724-1198
907 Tekila Cocina Mexicana 760-643-1278
118 The Mortgage Hub 760-612-6189
406 Vance Chiropractic 760-509-1300
106 Village Escrow 760-731-2070
832 Village Pizza 760-414-9899
705 Wave On Wave Hair Salon 760-842-8842
1301 Z Cafe 760-941-4310

Property Layout

There are 13 buildings on the property, the suite numbers by even 100's will indicate the building the tenant is in.